Terms & Conditions


This privacy and cookies policy applies to the processing of personal data of visitors to the non-profit organization’s (mobile) website
DRIVE FOR MILES® (hereinafter: « the non-profit association » or « D4M”) as well as personal data collected for the organization of activities and rallies on behalf of DRIVE FOR MILES®.
With this data protection declaration, the non-profit association would like to provide insight into the way personal data is processed. The personal data collected by DRIVE FOR MILES® is treated and secured with the utmost care to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or loss of personal data.
Providing personal data is not mandatory. You always have the choice whether you want to provide your personal data or not. However, in order to use some of our services, for example, participation in events, purchasing goodies, etc., it is necessary to provide personal data. If data entry is required, it will be stated which data is necessary for the use of the service and therefore must be entered and which data can be provided optionally.


DRIVE FOR MILES® processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide them to us yourself. Below you will find an overview of the personal data we process:
First and Last Name
E-mail address
IP address
Other personal data that you actively provide to us, for example by creating a profile (pilots, etc.) on this website,
in correspondence and by telephone.


Sensitive data such as an individual’s race or ethnicity, religion or belief, health (among others) is referred to as special personal data. These are given special protection by the legislature.
Our website and/or service do not intend to collect any specific personal information. The non-profit organization’s activities are also aimed at children and therefore also collect personal data from children. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16 years. We therefore recommend that parents be involved in their children’s online activities to prevent data about children from being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information from a minor without such consent, please contact us at info@driveformiles.org and we will delete that information.
DRIVE FOR MILES® processes your personal data for the following purposes:
Sending out newsletters
To be able to call or email you if this is necessary to provide and sustain our services & events
To notify you about changes to our services and products
Automated decision making
DRIVE FOR MILES® does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that could have (significant) consequences for people. These are decisions made by computer programs or systems without human involvement


The images (mostly portraits) taken on behalf of the DRIVE FOR MILES® organization can be considered personal data because they allow an individual to be identified. It is important to note that each participant must sign the General Terms and Conditions before and with their participation or/and agree to the following, even without their signature:
It is agreed that the participant in one of our activities, also known as events, unreservedly grants DRIVE FOR MILES® the right and permission to take photos and recordings of their face, voice, car or children and to store these images and recordings, even in edited form, to publish, send and repeat. If consent has been given by a parent/guardian for the publication of children’s photos, this consent can be revoked by the child upon reaching the age of 16.
Photographers are considered volunteers who collect data (images & videos, recordings in general) on behalf of DRIVE FOR MILES®. Before an event, DRIVE FOR MILES® has agreed with the photographers that the photographers will ensure that this material is passed on in full after the event. This means that the photographers and videographers no longer have access to the photos & material after the transfer and the foundation can decide for itself when the photos and material are finally destroyed.


In principle, personal data will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation that goes beyond the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). An exception to this can be made in individual cases, but only with the express (unambiguous) consent of the person concerned.


You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by DRIVE FOR MILES® and you have the right to data portability. This means that you can request that we send the personal data we hold about you in a computer file to you or another organization you specify. You can send a request to access, rectify, delete, data portability of your personal data or a request to withdraw your consent or object to the processing of your personal data to info@driveformiles.org. To ensure that the access request comes from you, we ask you to include a copy of your proof of identity with the request. In this copy, black out your passport photo, MRZ (machine-readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN). This is to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but within four weeks.


DRIVE FOR MILES® takes the protection of your information seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your data is not sufficiently secured or there are indications of misuse, please contact us at info@driveformiles.org.


Cookies are simple, small text files that are stored on your computer’s hard drive or memory.
DRIVE FOR MILES® only uses technical and functional cookies, but analytical cookies are also used that do not violate your privacy. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and your user-friendliness. Cookies allow us to recognize you on our website when you visit it again.
Good to know: The use of cookies is safe. Email and telemarketing campaigns are not the result of cookies. Cookies do not store your email address or phone number.


We reserve the right to change this privacy and cookie policy. This privacy and cookies policy was last changed in March 2024.
Unsure about our privacy and cookie policy? Haven’t you found an answer to your question yet? Please contact us using the contact form. We’re here to help.

Britta Lutz

Vize-Präsidentin Drive for Miles® seit 2014

Vor einem Jahrzehnt kam ich als Vizepräsident zu Drive for Miles®, angezogen von der gemeinsamen Liebe zum Autofahren und dem Wunsch, etwas zu bewegen. Seitdem hatte ich die Ehre, “The Good Ride” in Stuttgart zu organisieren – eine Veranstaltung, die alles verkörpert, wofür wir stehen. Auch die Moto-Taxi-Fahrt durch Paris mit 80 Motorrädern, ein rasender Konvoi auf der Champs Elysées, wird mir für immer in Erinnerung bleiben.


Die Verkehrssituation und die Sicherheitsprobleme, die mit einem Konvoi aus so vielen Autos und Motorrädern verbunden sind, waren eine große Herausforderung. Die Sorgfalt, mit der wir die Aktionen absicherten, und unsere Voraussicht in Bezug auf mögliche praktische Probleme überzeugten die örtliche Polizei jedes Mal davon, mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten und uns zu helfen, die Aktion durchzuführen.

Die Freude am Radfahren ist nicht nur für Erwachsene reserviert – sie ist etwas, das wir mit unseren Kindern teilen. Ich habe dieses Erbe der Leidenschaft und Begeisterung an meine Jungs (und Mädchen) weitergegeben. Mit Drive for Miles® fahren wir nicht einfach nur, sondern wir fahren gemeinsam für eine bessere Zukunft, eine Meile nach der anderen.

Britta Lutz

Vice-President Drive for Miles® since 2014

A decade ago, I joined Drive for Miles® as Vice President, drawn by a shared love for driving and a desire to make a difference. Since then, I’ve had the honor of organizing “The Good Ride” in Stuttgart—an event that epitomizes everything we stand for. Also, the moto-taxi-ride through Paris with 80 wheelers, a vrooming convoy down the Champs Elysées will remain in my memory for ever. 

The traffic situation and safety issues linked to a convoy of so many cars & bikes were very challenging. Every time the care with which we secured the operations and our foresight of potential practical issues, convinced the local police to team up and helped us to make it happen.

The joy of riding isn’t just reserved for adults—it’s something we share with our children, I have passed down to my boys (and girls) this legacy of passion and enthusiasm. Through Drive for Miles®, together, we’re not just driving—we’re driving towards a brighter future, one mile at a time.

Guy Flener

Präsident Drive for Miles® Luxemburg seit 2018

Für mich ist Drive for Miles® mehr als nur eine Leidenschaft – es ist eine Familie. Als langjähriges Mitglied der Porsche-Gemeinschaft und Besitzer von Fahrzeugen aus den Jahren 1986 bis 2024 habe ich die Bande, die auf der offenen Straße geknüpft wurden, immer sehr geschätzt. Durch Drive for Miles® hatte ich das Privileg, diese Familie zu erweitern und Enthusiasten aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten in der Gemeinschaft willkommen zu heißen.

Von lebhaften Diskussionen über Traumautos bis hin zu unvergesslichen Roadtrips durch Europa – jeder Moment mit Drive for Miles® ist ein Beweis für die Kraft der Freundschaft und der gemeinsamen Leidenschaft. Und so wie unsere Gemeinschaft weiter wächst, so wächst auch mein Staunen und meine Vorfreude auf das, was hinter der nächsten Kurve kommt.


Guy Flener

President Drive for Miles® Luxembourg since 2018

For me, Drive for Miles® is more than just a passion—it’s a family. As a long-standing member of the Porsche community and owner of rides from 1986-2024, I’ve always cherished the bonds forged on the open road. Through Drive for Miles®, I’ve had the privilege of expanding that family, welcoming enthusiasts from all walks of life into the fold.

From spirited discussions about dream cars to unforgettable road trips across Europe, every moment with Drive for Miles® is a testament to the power of friendship and shared passion. And as our community continues to grow, so too does my sense of wonder and excitement of what is new around the next curve.

Annik Paquay

Präsidentin - Drive for Miles® seit 2011

Stellen Sie sich das Hochgefühl vor, wenn Sie Ihr Fahrzeug nach einem langen Winterschlaf aufwecken, den Zündschlüssel einstecken und spüren, wie der Motor zum Leben erwacht. Dieses Gefühl der puren Freude ist es, was unsere Leidenschaft bei Drive for Miles® antreibt. Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 1997 haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, diese Leidenschaft mit anderen Enthusiasten zu teilen, dauerhafte Verbindungen zu knüpfen und – was am wichtigsten ist – etwas zu bewirken.

Unsere Reise begann mit der gemeinsamen Liebe zum Autofahren – endlose Kilometer auf offener Straße, aufregende Kurven und die Kameradschaft unter Gleichgesinnten. Aber es war eine zufällige Begegnung mit einem bemerkenswerten Jungen, die uns wirklich dazu inspirierte, zielgerichtet zu fahren.

Dieser Junge, der trotz seiner Krebserkrankung eine glühende Leidenschaft für Autos hegt, wurde zum Katalysator für unsere Mission. Durch seinen unerschütterlichen Geist und seinen ansteckenden Enthusiasmus zeigte er uns die transformative Kraft einer guten Fahrt. In diesem Moment wussten wir, dass Autofahren nicht nur ein Hobby ist – es war eine Quelle der Freude und der Heilung.

Angetrieben von dieser Erkenntnis machten wir uns auf den Weg, um Kilometer zu sammeln und mit Sinn zu fahren. Ob es sich um einen Tagesausflug oder eine zehntägige Reise handelt, jeder Kilometer, den wir zurücklegen, ist eine Gelegenheit, Optimismus zu verbreiten und etwas zu bewirken.


Annik Paquay

President - Drive for Miles® since 2011

Picture the exhilaration of waking up your ride after a long hibernation—inserting the ignition key, feeling the engine rumble to life. That sensation of pure joy is what fuels our passion at Drive for Miles®. Since our inception in 1997, we’ve been dedicated to sharing that passion with fellow enthusiasts, forging lasting connections, and, most importantly, making a difference.

Our journey began with a shared love for driving—endless miles of open road, exhilarating twists and turns, and the camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts. But it was a chance encounter with a remarkable young boy that truly inspired us to drive with purpose.

This young boy, with a fervent passion for cars despite his battles with cancer, became the catalyst for our mission. Through his unwavering spirit and infectious enthusiasm, he showed us the transformative power of a good ride. In that moment, we knew that driving wasn’t just a hobby—it was a source of joy and healing.

Driven by this revelation, we embarked on a mission to drive miles and drive with purpose. Whether it’s a day trip or a ten-day journey, every mile we travel is an opportunity to spread optimism and make a difference.